Earn a competitive salary: to learn more about our pay structure and view our salary ranges, click here to visit the Pay page of our Human Resources portal.
Plan for retirement today, meet your goals tomorrow. Click here to find out how the university's retirement plans reward you for your contributions and help you achieve a more secure financial future.
Find the right work/life balance: click here to learn how our office of Work, Life and Engagement supports a range of programs and services to help you live and work in the most fulfilling way.
Health & Wellness
Learn how to get well and stay well: we offer a wide range of health and wellness benefits to keep you and your family healthy. Click here for more details about each plan.
Tuition Assistance
Make higher education an affordable priority: JHU offers you and your family a broad range of affordable educational opportunities. Click here to review our tuition assistance plans.
Professional Development
Realize your potential for career growth and mobility: our Talent Management team offers a wide range of professional development and career growth resources.Visit the Talent Management page for more information.